UCR Registration Fee Schedules announced – Avoid Pricing Scams

UCR Fees | DOT Compliance Services | CNS

Ads for UCR Registration Fees and pricing scams

You may already be getting organized for 2020, and that is commendable, but one task you may want to put on hold is your 2020 UCR (Unified Carrier Registration).

Since the fee schedules have just been announced, they will be officially released in the next few days and any companies attempting to collect your registration fees now may be a scam.

The UCR Fee Schedules have just been announced

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced 2020 fees on February 4, 2020 and will be officially releasing the fee schedule sometime in the following days.

At that time, the 2020 UCR Registration fees will be officially established. Even so, the UCR Board will recommend delaying enforcement for three months from the start of the registration period.

UCR Renewals Currently Advertised Could be a Scam

Depending on when you are reading this article, you should be cautious of ads claiming to renew your UCR. It is possible they are a scam. This applies every year, whether it be 2020, 2021, and so on.

The start of the UCR registration period was delayed in 2020 and could be the case for 2021 and the following years. Many companies send out email advertisements claiming to offer UCR Registration or Renewal. This could be a scam, depending on when the fee schedules were released, if they have been released at all.

For 2020, the UCR Fee Schedule has just been announced and will be official once posted in the Federal Register. In the future, just be sure to confirm with Compliance Navigation Specialists to confirm whether the pricing has been released.

If you have UCR questions, call or email CNS at 888.260.9448 or info@cnsprotects.com.

As we mentioned above, avoid providing information or funds to any person or company claiming they can renew your UCR at this point. Unfortunately, these attempts to collect money before the fee levels are officially released are scams. We would not want any carrier in our industry to be harmed or lose money on a scam attempt.

Fees may be lower than previous years

In many cases the FMCSA proposes reductions in the annual registration fees, so it is possible that prices will be lower than in previous years, should that proposal go through.

For 2020, our UCR filing fees will remain the same as 2019.

Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) filing

We are a trustworthy UCR Filing Service

After the UCR fees are released, all interstate motor carriers will need to update registrations before the deadline. So, while you should wait until the official fee levels are released, plan to use a filing service that knows our industry.

This is where Compliance Navigation Specialists can help you. Our UCR filing service processes your new UCR or your renewal, quickly and accurately. We will file the paperwork and determine the fees, so you can stay focused on your vision for your carrier business.

Visit our UCR filing page to find out more about which states will need a UCR and how we can help you file or renew your UCR accurately.

For help with your UCR filing, call or email CNS at 888.260.9448 or info@cnsprotects.com.

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