Last year I wrote about how 2024 UCR Fees were reducing 9% (after reducing 31% for 2023) before anticipated increase for 2025.
Well, now we know that the UCR Plan Board is recommending a 25% fee increase for the 2025 registration year, with varying increases between $9 and $9,000 per entity, depending on the applicable fee bracket.
Basically, this is a federal requirement for the UCR Plan to adjust when revenue collections result in a shortfall or surplus from the amount authorized by statute.
However, the recommendations are not all-time high fees as they will still be less than the fees that were in effect in registration years 2019-2022.
FMCSA will accept public comment on the proposed increase for 30 days beginning Tuesday, Jan. 9 at by searching Docket No. FMCSA-2023-0268.
What is UCR?
The UCR program requires ALL carriers (private, exempt, or for-hire) to register their business with a participating state and pay an annual fee that is based on the size of their fleet.
Brokers, freight forwarders, and leasing companies also are required to register and pay a fee, unless they are also operating as a motor carrier.
Nine non-participating states will not get to enjoy the UCR tax haircut. These states include:
- Oregon
- Arizona
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Maryland
- New Jersey
- Vermont
- Nevada
- Wyoming
These states that do not participate in the program must enforce UCR requirements for carriers domiciled in those states with DOT numbers.
Process your New UCR or UCR Renewal
Use a filing service that knows our industry. Our team can help set up your vehicle registration or your Unified Carrier Registration (UCR).
Our UCR filing service processes your new UCR or your renewal, quickly and accurately. We will file the paperwork and determine the fees, so you can stay focused on your vision for your carrier business.
If you have any questions, call or email CNS at 888.260.9448 or