This Memorandum is being issued by IFTA (International Fuel Tax Association) in an effort to clarify the grace period. The IFTA Articles of Agreement, Section R655 provides:
.100 Carriers from new member jurisdictions shall be allowed a two-month grace period from the date of the new member’s IFTA program implementation to display the IFTA license and decals. However, carriers must maintain the proper credentials for traveling in member jurisdictions until they display the valid IFTA license and decals.
.200 Carriers renewing their IFTA license and decals have a two-month grace period (January and February) to display the renewal IFTA license and decals. To operate in IFTA jurisdictions during this grace period, carriers must display either valid current or prior year IFTA license and decals from the jurisdiction in which they were operating or a valid single-trip permit from the IFTA jurisdiction in which they are operating.
Because there are no new member jurisdictions implementing the IFTA in 2018, R655.200 above is the applicable language for the grace period in 2019.
Carriers must display one or more of the following to travel through IFTA member jurisdictions for the first two months of 2019.
- A valid 2019 IFTA license and two IFTA decals issued by an IFTA member jurisdiction.
- A valid 2018 IFTA license and two IFTA decals from an IFTA member jurisdiction (if a renewal application has been filed for 2019); or
- A valid trip permit issued by the IFTA member jurisdiction through which they are operating.
Please be advised that IFTA License Renewals for 2019 MUST BE FILED WITH YOUR BASE JURISDICTION BEFORE THE END OF 2018. The two-month grace period is for display of renewal credentials, not to file your renewal application for those credentials (See R655.200 above).
In order to have a seamless operation into the new calendar year, we encourage you to file your renewal
application with your base jurisdiction well before December 31, 2018.
R630 of the IFTA Articles of Agreement provides:
Carriers renewing credentials may operate with the IFTA decals and license two months prior to the effective date shown on the credentials. However, those carriers are responsible for filing a fourth quarter report for the year preceding the effective date of the new credentials, including all operations for that quarter.
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