Check out 2021 Operation Safe Driver Week
On September 19th the CVSA released 2018 Safe Driver Week results. Operation Safe Driver week happen July 15-21,2018, to identify CMV drivers and passenger vehicle drivers engaged in unsafe driving behaviors. Officers issued 57,405 citations and 87,907 warnings to drivers throughout the week. This safe driving enforcement and awareness campaign aims to call attention to driver behaviors, the main cause of crashes, and combat those behaviors through heightened traffic safety enforcement and educational outreach.
CVSA said during Operation Safe Driver Week, a safety initiative of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), 51,000 law enforcement officers made contact with 113,331 CMV drivers and passenger vehicle drivers and issued 57,405 citations. A total of 42,144 CMV contacts were made with 10,709 citations issued and 71,187 passenger vehicle contacts were made with 46,696 citations issued.
In addition to the citations that were issued to drivers throughout Operation Safe Driver Week, officers also issued a total of 87,907 warnings. CMV drivers were given 29,908 warnings; 57,999 warnings were given to passenger vehicle drivers.
The top five citations issued to CMV drivers were:
- State/Local Laws – 6,008 citations
- Speeding – 1,908 citations
- Failing to use a seat belt while operating a CMV – 1,169 citations
- Failure to obey a traffic control device – 754 citations
- Using a handheld phone – 262 citations
The top five citations issued to passenger vehicle drivers were:
- State/Local Laws – 21,511 citations
- Speeding – 16,909 citations
- Failing to use a seat belt – 3,103 citations
- Inattentive and/or careless driving – 1,655 citations
- Failure to obey a traffic control device – 739 citations
Operation Safe Driver Week results also of note:
- A total of 1,822 drivers (1,699 passenger vehicle drivers and 123 CMV drivers) were cited for reckless, inattentive and/or careless driving.
- 366 drivers were cited for possession/use/under the influence of alcohol or drugs or both. 42 of the citations were issued to CMV drivers; 324 were issued to passenger vehicle drivers.
- Specific to CMV drivers, 17 were cited for operating their vehicle while ill or fatigued, and 14 received citations for using/equipping their CMV with a radar detector.
CVSA also said public awareness and educational campaigns are also a major aspect of this initiative. CVSA offers resources on its website for CMV drivers, teen and novice drivers, driver’s education instructors and driver trainers. During Operation Safe Driver Week, 177 safety programs were downloaded and delivered to teens and CMV drivers. The safety programs target unsafe driving behaviors and aim to prevent crashes through effective education.
- The Teens and Trucks youth safe-driving campaign had 27 downloads.
- Defeat Distracted Driving, a commercial driver safety campaign, had 78 downloads.
- Improving Driver Behaviors resources for driver trainers had 72 downloads.
In addition to enforcement and education, 8,533 motorists were assisted during Operation Safe Driver Week, highlighting the dedication to service and safety by law enforcement.
- CURRENT RESULTS: 2022 CVSA Brake Safety Week: DOT Inspection Results
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- 2021 CVSA Brake Safety Week: DOT Inspection Results
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- 2018 CVSA Unnannouced Brake Safety: DOT inspection results
- 2018 CVSA Operation Safe Driver Week Results
- 2018 Brake Safety Week Results