2nd Annual Compliance Conference (Recap)

On January 31, 2020, Compliance Navigation Specialists hosted our 2nd Annual CNS Compliance Conference held at the Eden Resort in Lancaster, PA. Overall the event was a success and had an excellent turnout, bringing in over 215 attendees from across Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Virginia.

John Irwin—CEO of Compliance Navigation Specialists—kicked off the event addressing the state of compliance for 2020 and also later discussed the tiered weather system to be implemented this year and also discussed CVSA road checks and the top violation among carriers across the country, which for 2019 was hiring unqualified drivers.

We also had Shane Phillips—Compliance and Enforcement Specialist with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture—who discussed 2020 Spotted Lanternfly Permitting, the Department of Agriculture’s Spotted Lanternfly program, updates and/or changes to that program and what counties are currently under quarantine for the Spotted Lanternfly.

Our keynote speaker for the conference was David Yessen—FMCSA’s Director of Compliance. Mr. Yessen primarily covered the FMCSA Clearinghouse, who needs to sign up, how and who it effects. The clearinghouse effects CDL drivers for carriers across North America. Mr. Yessen engaged many attendees at the conference regarding their experiences with getting registered in the clearinghouse.

Watch Mr. Yessen’s speech now (Speech starts at :52 minutes)

Following Mr. Yessen was Denny Beecher—Commercial Auto Underwriter at Interstate Insurance Management Inc.—covering the many factors that effect insurance premiums and underwriting in the commercial trucking industry. Mr. Beecher mentioned some of the most common triggers in various states for increasing your premiums, including driver history, experience level and crash rates.

Watch Mr. Beecher’s speech now (Speech starts: 1 hour and 52 minutes).

Next, we heard from several PA State Troopers and Motor Carrier Enforcement officers who spoke specifically about different approaches the state was taking to mitigate accidents, which is their top priority. They listed out the top counties that had the highest accident frequencies and roadside violations. They also discussed information regarding DataQ’s or challenging violations that appear on a carrier’s Safety Management System (SMS) and how to go about challenging those violations. Learn more about the DataQ process.

Watch PA State Trooper’s speech now (Speech starts at beginning of video 2).

The conference concluded with a Q&A session incorporating all speakers, giving attendees the opportunity to ask any specific questions that were gathered throughout the conference.

Anyone interested in watching the conference can like our CNS Facebook page to watch all or portions of the conference.

Enjoy some photos from the 2nd Annual Compliance Conference

2nd Annual Compliance Conference – Part 1
2nd Annual Compliance Conference – Part 2

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