Canadian Authority

Canada enforcing drivers COVID vaccine mandate at border Jan 15


Before hauling freight into Canada, your company must be setup with the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) by applying for a CBSA-issued carrier code, a four-character unique identifier used to identify you as a carrier.

The Carrier Code will be used in the PARS (Pre-arrival Review System) and carriers must have printed barcodes available to attach to all bill of ladings (BOLs).

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Before hauling freight into Canada, your company must be set up with the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) by applying for a CBSA-issued carrier code, a four-character unique identifier used to identify you as a carrier. The Carrier Code will be used in the PARS (Pre-arrival Review System) and carriers must have printed barcodes available to attach to all bill of ladings (BOLs).

To apply for a carrier code, the first step is to determine if you need a non-bonded or bonded code. Bonded highway carriers are permitted to transport in-bond goods beyond the first point of arrival in Canada and between points in Canada.

If this seems confusing, we at CNS can help you with the CBSA carrier code process to get your Canadian trucking authority.

The payment form below will have one of our licensing specialists obtain your CBSA Carrier Code, for your Canadian authority process, ASAP.


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