DOT Audit Services

DOT Audits are Inevitable

There is no question that you will go through a DOT Audit, the question is will you pass a DOT Audit. Our DOT Compliance team is available to help with any type of audit, including:

What can CNS do to help?

  1. Prepare you for and represent you in your audit.
  2. Determine where your company stands in DOT Safety and Compliance.
  3. Develop strategies to lower your CSA scores.

Why choose CNS?

  1. We have assisted clients across the United States through every type of audit.
  2. Our reputation with DOT officers in North America sets us apart and further prepares you for the audit process.
  3. A team of experts costs much less than hiring a safety director or team.

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DOT Audit Services

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Please fill out the form below to get started or for more information on our DOT Audit Services. We are here to help answer any questions.

DOT Audit Representation

Will you survive a DOT Audit?

A number of things can trigger FMCSA Safety Audits or other government audits, including:

  • 1 bad accident
  • too many out of service orders
  • too many traffic violations
  • a former employee reporting you to the FMCSA
  • and more

Knowing what happens in an audit and maintaining sufficient records will keep your company ready for an audit at all times. 

Trying to stay ahead of a DOT Audit?

DOT Audit Representation | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All trucking companies are subject to DOT Audits, which can happen at random or every few years in certain industries.  Regardless of preparation, DOT audits can be time-consuming, and you will want to be diligent and organized prior to the audit.

New Entrant Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All new interstate carriers are placed into a new entrant safety program where they must demonstrate adequate basic safety management controls. The purpose of this audit is to provide educational and technical assistance to the new entrant. 

IFTA Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All motor carriers with vehicles that are set up with the International Fuel Tax Agreement are subject to a DOT Audit by the IRS every 5 years including inspection of relative fuel receipts, mileage and trip sheets.

IRP Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

Our DOT Compliance Specialists can perform a mock IRP audit to assess your company, or CNS can represent you during an IRP audit. Either way, CNS Specialists can ease your mind by leading you through the process of an IRP audit.

DOT Mock Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All companies are subject to DOT audits, which is why we offer a DOT Mock Audit Service. This service provides a great snapshot of your company’s current safety, compliance, and risk exposures. Our DOT mock audit will be conducted in the same matter as an FMCSA auditor.

DOT Audit Representation | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All trucking companies are subject to DOT Audits, which can happen at random or every few years in certain industries.  Regardless of preparation, DOT audits can be time-consuming, and you will want to be diligent and organized prior to the audit.

New Entrant Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All new interstate carriers are placed into a new entrant safety program where they must demonstrate adequate basic safety management controls. The purpose of this audit is to provide educational and technical assistance to the new entrant. 

IFTA Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All motor carriers with vehicles that are set up with the International Fuel Tax Agreement are subject to a DOT Audit by the IRS every 5 years including inspection of relative fuel receipts, mileage and trip sheets.

IRP Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

Our DOT Compliance Specialists can perform a mock IRP audit to assess your company, or CNS can represent you during an IRP audit. Either way, CNS Specialists can ease your mind by leading you through the process of an IRP audit.

DOT Mock Audit | DOT Audit Services | CNS

All companies are subject to DOT audits, which is why we offer a DOT Mock Audit Service. This service provides a great snapshot of your company’s current safety, compliance, and risk exposures. Our DOT mock audit will be conducted in the same matter as an FMCSA auditor.

DataQ Process | DOT Compliance | CNS
Play Video about DataQ Process | DOT Compliance | CNS

DataQ Process

Need help challenging an incorrect violation?

The DataQ process is for truck drivers and motor carriers to challenge inspection reports with incorrect violations, truck accidents that meet certain guidelines, or an inspection assigned to you by mistake. If successful, the violation can be removed from your record saving your CSA scores and your money from fines and increased insurance rates.

New Entrant Audit

Are you a New Trucking Company?

All new carriers are placed into the new entrant safety program with the purpose of providing educational and technical assistance to the new entrant, gathering safety data needed to make an assessment of the new entrant’s safety performance.

can you pass a new dot audit successfully?
Play Video about can you pass a new dot audit successfully?

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